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Chapter 23
The Victorious Christ
Sends Us Strength
Christ will give strength to all who seek it. GC 510
God is able and willing to bestow upon His servants all the strength they need, and to give them the wisdom that their varied necessities demand. AA 242
We have little idea of the strength that would be ours if we would connect with the source of all strength. YI 439
You can walk in the light, and daily receive strength from God to overcome every imperfection, and finally be among the faithful, true, and holy in the kingdom of God. 2T 312
. . . in God there is strength to overcome all temptations. When you are tempted, let your heart go out to God in prayer for strength to resist the enemy. 3RH 381
He is the Redeemer and Restorer, and those who call upon Him in faith will receive strength to overcome every wrong habit and practise. 4ST 143
(Christ) fought and conquered Satan, that He might give us vantageground, bringing us divine strength to conquer appetite and every unholy passion. 5T 510
The science of overcoming as Christ overcame is the science of Salvation. If we will unite with Christ in the work of developing Christian character, if we will maintain unwavering faith in God and in the truths of His Word, we shall be given strength to overcome every evil thing in the life. 5RH 545
He will remove every obstacle from before the feet of His faithful ones, or give them strength and courage to conquer every difficulty, if they earnestly beseech His help. 4T 147
It is faith that connects us with heaven, and brings us strength for coping with the powers of darkness. In Christ, God has provided means for subduing every sinful trait, and resisting every temptation, however strong. DA 429
Only the obedient will is accepted by God; and by constant reliance upon His power, we may gain strength to do His commandments. 3RH 461
Give yourself to Christ, trust in Him, and He will give you strength to resist the enemy . . . Make the Bible the man of your counsel. Only thus can you gain strength to overcome. 5RH 130
That God’s dear Son should have to come to our world to fight our battles for us that we might have strength to conquer in His name, should ever humble our proud hearts. 1SM 316
Old and young, we need to pray most earnestly and believe most trustingly, that the merits of Jesus Christ will suffice to bring grace and strength and determination to enable us to overcome every defect. YI 142
. . . in the strength of Christ cease to sin. Every provision has been made that grace should abide with you, and that sin may appear to you the hateful thing it is. 6RH 230
We cannot individually, or as a body, secure ourselves from his (Satan’s) constant assaults; but in the strength of Jesus every temptation, every opposing influence, whether open or secret, may be successfully resisted. 2ST 154
Go to God, and often plead with Him for strength. It will be given. YI 37
Christ is the source of all true strength. He reveals His grace to all true believers. He imparts to them His own merits in grace and goodness, that they may bear fruit unto holiness. 3RH 513
If they will honor God by obeying His commandments, they will be exalted by Him. He will give them strength and victory. 4RH 557
Mothers, remember that in your work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength, and through His name, you can lead your children to be overcomers. Teach them to look to God for strength. 4RH 317
The grace of God never stirs in vain the heart of the truly contrite. He will go on from strength to strength. 4RH 102
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, we may go on from strength to strength, from victory to victory; for through Christ the grace of God has worked out our complete salvation. 2RH 408
Only believe the truth as it is in Jesus, and you will be strengthened for the battle with the powers of darkness. 2RH 404
Christ directs, strengthens, ennobles, and sanctifies the faculties of the soul. It is through personal acquaintance with Him that we become qualified to represent His character to the world. 3RH 289
With His long human arm (Jesus) encircled humanity, while with His divine arm He grasped the throne of the infinite God. And thus man has strength given him that he may overcome Satan, and triumph in God. Help is brought within the reach of perishing souls; the adversary is rebuked. 3RH 395
It is faith that will not be discouraged, that hears the voice of Christ saying, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, and my divine strength is yours.” 2RH 422
But Jesus pities our weakness, and He is ready to give strength to bear up in trial, and to resist the temptations of Satan, if we will cast our burden upon Him. 3T 516
We are to exert every energy of the soul in the work of overcoming, and to look to Jesus for strength to do what we cannot do of ourselves. 5T 472
We may open the door of the mind and invite Satan’s suggestions, or by pressing close to the side of Jesus, we may obtain strength to resist every evil influence. 1RH 374
To those who appreciate the truth as it is in Jesus, and who desire to reveal the truth in its beauty, its power, and its sanctifying grace, God will give strength to stand against temptation. 6RH 15
Through the strength of Jesus men may be made strong; through His love they may become lovely in character. 1ST 53
I beg of you, dear youth, to link up with Jesus Christ. He died on Calvary’s cross, for you and for me, and in His strength we may overcome. YI 640
But we have reason to thank God that the Captain of our salvation was made perfect through suffering, and came off conqueror in our behalf. Every son and daughter of Adam may have this divine strength. YI 438
Christ has power from His father to give His divine grace and strength to man -making it possible for him through His name, to overcome. 1RH 152
. . . our faith must center in Jesus Christ. Looking unto Him, clinging to His strength as sufficient for every emergency, our heart joins His heart, our life is knit by hidden links in His life, and because He lives, we shall live also. 3RH 27
Christ has met every temptation which Satan can bring against man. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In His strength man can keep the law of God. YI 570
Every temptation may be conquered through the strength of Christ. God desires us to have pure characters; purity is power, but sin is weakness and ruin. 6RH 329
Through, the strength that Christ can impart, we may keep the law of God. 2ST 414
He obtains for the fallen sons and daughters of Adam that strength which it is impossible for them to gain for themselves, so that in His name they may overcome the temptations of Satan. 1SM 279
God does not bid us overcome in our own strength. He asks us to come close to His side. Whatever difficulties we labor under, which weigh down soul and body, He waits to make us free. MH 249
The weaker and more helpless you know yourself to be, the stronger will you become in His strength. MH 72
The moment you grasp God’s promises by faith, saying, I am the lost sheep Jesus came to save, a new life will take possession of you, and you will receive strength to resist the tempter. 3RH 394
There are foes to be resisted and overcome, but Jesus is by our side, ready to strengthen for every effort and brace for duty. 2ST 181
Heaven’s strength will be given him, that he may resist the powers of darkness, and be more than conqueror through Him who hath loved him. 2RH 346
(Man) must take hold upon the strength of Christ, which will subdue every unholy passion, and enable him to conquer self. 2RH 372
It is our privilege to be strong in the strength of God under all circumstances and to glory in the cross of Christ. 2RH 44
Let the eye of faith see Jesus standing before the Father’s throne, presenting His wounded hands as He pleads for you. Believe that strength comes to you through your precious Saviour. 1RH 271
His faith may unite him in his weakness to Christ, the source of divine strength. . . . 6RH 295
In His strength all may be wholly obedient. Through His grace they can show to the world a character like His, holding up by precept and example the high and holy standard of the divine law. 3ST 470
As Christ lived the law in humanity, so we may do if we take hold of the Strong for strength. 6RH 45
We are weak, but if we will but believe, God will give us His enduring strength. 5RH 41
We are to keep our minds staid upon God; and in our weakness, He will be our strength; in our ignorance, He will be our wisdom; in our frailty, He will be our enduring might. YI 180
If your daily study is to glorify God and subdue self, He will make His strength perfect in your weakness, and you may live so that your conscience will not condemn you. 4T 38
. . . when God takes the members of His church to heaven, it will be because they have walked with Him here on this earth, receiving from above strength and wisdom which enables them to serve Him aright. 4ST 186
His faith may unite him in his weakness to Christ, the source of divine strength. . . . 2RH 469
Christ, our Mediator, renews our strength by the power of His presence. 3RH 268
It is your exalted privilege to be a victor over the appetites and passions of the flesh, through the strength of Christ. 2RH 287
Hanging our helpless souls upon Christ, we would supplement our ignorance with His wisdom, our weakness with His strength, our frailty with His enduring might. YI 389
Those who depend wholly upon Jesus for help and strength, will conduct themselves as becomes His representatives, and they will not labor in vain. 1RH 384
The Saviour left the courts of glory and came to our world to bear
temptation and resist evil, that men might have power to take hold of His strength. 5RH 489
Satan will place temptation before us. He will try by stratagem to overcome us. But in the strength of Christ we may stand firm as a rock to the principles of heaven. 5RH 235
If we are meek and lowly of heart, we may link ourselves with the forces of heaven, and be strong because Christ is strong, be great because Christ is great. We may hang our helpless souls upon Jesus and be complete in Him. 3RH 261
He (Christ) will be to them life and power, strength and efficiency, wisdom and holiness. God calls upon us to live the Christ-life, to reveal this life to the world. 5RH 92
It is by seeing Him who is invisible that strength and vigor of soul are gained, and the power of earth over mind and character is broken. AA 363
Our precious Saviour invites us to join ourselves to Him, to unite our weakness to His strength, our ignorance to His wisdom, our unworthiness to His merits. GC 623
Temptation will come upon you every day, but you must lay hold of the strength of Christ . . . He will make His strength perfect in our weakness. 2ST 299
Human weakness becomes united to divine strength, and faith exclaims, “Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1ST 440
By constant prayer the youth may obtain principles so firm that the most powerful temptations will not draw them from their allegiance to God. YI 445
If you walk in humility of mind before the Lord, then He can work with your efforts, and His strength will be made perfect in your weakness. 5T 586
Christ is his (the sinner’s) personal Saviour, able to save him from his sin, and to keep him from falling. 2ST 510
In God is our strength. Pray much. Prayer is the life of the soul. The prayer of faith is the weapon by which we may successfully resist every assault of the enemy. 1SM 88
The heart of Infinite Love yearns after those who feel powerless
to free themselves from the snares of Satan; and He graciously offers to strengthen them to live for Him. 6RH 477
Christ is the Captain of our salvation. He it is who strengthens His followers for the moral conflict which they are pledged to undertake. 2RH 578
For Further Study:
1RH 214
1RH 285
1RH 367
1RH 428
1RH 449
1RH 531
2RH 11
2RH 187
2RH 220
2RH 238
2RH 240
2RH 255
2RH 258
2RH 464
2RH 487
2RH 501
2RH 513
3RH 421
3RH 440
3RH 462
4RH 137
5RH 147
5RH 190
5RH 235
5RH 243
5RH 513
6RH 334
6RH 457
1ST 479
2ST 96
2ST 98
2ST 117
2ST 192
2ST 335
4ST 154
4ST 185
4ST 360
YI 437
YI 518
DA 329
DA 675
GC 469-70
3T 472
4T 295
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