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The Fullness of Power
Chapter 22
The Victorious Christ
Sends Us Power
Power To. . .
Of himself man has not strength to wrestle with the powers of darkness. Therefore Christ clothed His divinity with humanity, and came to this earth that He might co-operate with man. To those who will receive Him and trust in His power to save, He imparts the virtue of His righteousness. He gives them power to become the sons of God. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, . . . full of grace and truth . . . And of His fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” . . .
The great grand work of perfecting character cannot be accomplished without the help that He is always ready to supply . . . In the work of developing and strengthening the faculties of body and mind, men must constantly receive Power from on high. . . . 4ST 200
In the cities and nations of our world, there will be found among unbelievers a remnant who will appreciate the blessed Word, and who will receive the Saviour. Christ will give men and women power to become the sons and daughters of God. 5RH 88
Those who strive sincerely to break from the grasp of the enemy, and with full purpose of heart seek to know and obey the commandments of God, will be given power to become the sons and daughters of God. Their search after the things of heaven will be rewarded. 5RH 130
To all who believe on Him, He gives power to become the sons of God. Thus the heart becomes the temple of the living God. 1SM 227
Christ came to this world to live a life of perfect obedience to the laws of God’s kingdom. He came to uplift and ennoble human beings, to work out an enduring righteousness for them. He came as a medium through which truth was to be imparted. In Him are found all the excellencies necessary to absolute perfection of character. To those who receive Him, He gives power to become the sons of
God . . . Christ came to our world to live a life of stainless purity, thus to show sinners that in His strength they, too, can obey God’s holy precepts, the laws of His kingdom. 6RH 261
To all who receive Him He gives power to become the sons of God. Only by obtaining this power can we gain perfection of character. We can be partakers of the divine nature. In the strength of the Redeemer, we can live pure, noble, helpful lives . . . He has power to imbue us with the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. 5RH 127
God declares, “Him that cometh to Me I will in nowise cast out” (John 6:37); and those who in sincerity present themselves before Him will be pardoned and justified, and will receive power to become the sons of God. 8T 102
Jesus came to our world to bring divine power to combine with human effort. When God unites His power with man’s effort, the work is brought to perfection. God wants to do great things for His people; and if we only have faith in Him, He will work for us mightily. 2RH304
By living a sinless life, He testified that every son and daughter of Adam can resist the temptations of the one who first brought sin into the world. Christ brought men and women power to overcome. 1SM 226
Make an unreserved surrender to God. To know that you are striving for eternal life will strengthen and comfort you. Christ can give you power to overcome. By His help you can utterly destroy the root of selfishness. YI 568
Christ in the weakness of humanity was to meet the temptations of one possessing the powers of the higher nature that God had bestowed on the angelic family. But Christ’s humanity was united with divinity, and in this strength He would bear all the temptations that Satan could bring against Him, and yet keep His soul untainted by sin. And this power to overcome He would give to every son and daughter of Adam who would accept by faith the righteous attributes of His character. 1SM 223
The power we have to overcome Satan is the result of Christ working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. 6T 399
He will give us power to overcome. Of yourselves you can not create this power. Place yourselves as humble seekers at the feet of Jesus, and He will give you the strength you need. 5RH 147
“God with us” is the surety of our deliverance from sin, the assurance of our power to obey the law of heaven. DA 25
Christ came to this world to bring man power to obey. He came in human nature that He might know the temptations and trials to which man is subjected. He who accepts Christ as a personal Saviour will receive divine aid in the struggle against sin. Through the merits of the Saviour, he will become an obedient subject of God’s kingdom. In the strength of Christ he will overcome every temptation of the enemy. 4ST 372
We must come to Christ for pardon. He will take our guilt upon His own soul, and will justify us before God. And not only will He free us from sin, but He will give us power to render obedience to God’s will. 3ST 325
A knowledge of the riches of His grace will ennoble and elevate the human soul, and through connection with Christ it will become a partaker of the divine nature, and obtain power to resist the advances of Satan. 4T 422
Of every one He expects loyalty, and to every one He grants power according to the need. In his own strength man is strengthless; but in the might of God he may be strong to overcome evil and to help others to overcome. Satan can never gain advantage of him who makes God his defense . . . The righteousness of Christ alone can give you power to stand against the tide of evil that is sweeping over the world. 6RH 374
God calls for willing service - a service inspired by the love of Jesus in the heart. God is never satisfied with halfhearted, selfish service. He requires the whole heart, the undivided affections, and a complete faith and trust in His power to save from sin. . . . 1SM 108
Genuine faith works by love, and purifies the soul. There is a faith that has power to cleanse the life from sin. 2ST 360
The light that shines from the Son of God on Calvary can lead every wanderer home. There is power in Him to purify the heart and transform the character. 1SM 319
(Christ’s followers) ask God for Christ’s sake to help them, and they receive the help they ask for. They are gifted by God with power to see the love and wonderful charms of Christ. 4RH 239
He can give you power to correctly represent Him to the world. 2RH 318
Through Him comes the power by which the character may be reshaped, and the soul renewed to bear the moral image of God. 3RH308
Christ clothed His divinity with humanity, and lived a life of prayer and self-denial, and of daily battle with temptation, that He might help those who to-day are assailed by temptation. He is our efficiency and power . . . Faith in the word of God and in the power of Christ to transform the life will enable the believer to work His works, and to live a life of rejoicing in the Lord. 9T 279
The contemplation of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us, will make the life fragrant, and give power to perfect a Christian experience. 6RH 234 and 4ST 511
Our standard has been too low, and may the Lord help us that we may come as we are, and learn of His righteousness, that through His power we may be enabled to keep the commandments of God. 2RH 584
Power That Is:
All pervading, controlling, converting, keeping, life-giving, living, molding, quickening, renewing, renovating, sanctifying, spiritual, subduing, transforming, uplifting, vital, and vitalizing.
True religion has an all-pervading power. It gives tone to everything man does. 5T 124
The principles of the gospel should have a controlling power over us, that we may have the mind that was in Christ, and be pure as He was pure. 2RH 406
The converting power of Christ is the agency that will overcome our individual defects of character, and make us laborers together with God. By the truth held in its purity souls will be reached who could not otherwise be influenced to obey. The Holy Spirit is to be our counselor and guide in every branch of the work. The will of God made manifest in the life reveals the power of the Word to overcome the natural traits of character, and to change the believer “from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 5RH 497
The Lord has determined that every soul who obeys His word shall have His joy, His peace, His continual keeping power. 4RH 230
In God there is power; in Him there is strength. If they will take hold upon it, the life-giving power of Jesus will stimulate every one who has named the name of Christ. 3T 473
The child of God will not rest satisfied until he is clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and sustained by His life-giving power. When he sees a weakness in his character, it is not enough to confess it again
and again; he must go to work with determination and energy to overcome his defects by building up opposite traits of character. He will not shun this work because it is difficult. Untiring energy is required of the Christian; but he is not obliged to work in his own strength; divine power awaits his demand. Every one who is sincerely striving for the victory over self will appropriate the promise, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”. . . It may cost a severe conflict to overcome habits which have been long indulged, but we may triumph through the grace of Christ. 1RH 433
We are to despair at nothing in the line of progression. Moral and spiritual perfection, through the grace and power of Christ, is promised to all who believe . . . . When we live this prayer, we are brought unto close contact with Christ; at every step we touch His living power. In our behalf He sets in operation the all-powerful agencies of heaven. 5RH 239
We are to have our tastes, inclinations, ambitions, and passions all subdued, and brought into harmony with the mind and spirit of Christ. This is the very work that the Lord is willing to do for those who believe in Him. Our life and deportment are to have a molding power in the world. The Spirit of Christ is to have a controlling influence over the life of His followers, so that they will speak and act like Jesus. Christ says, “The glory which thou gavest me I have given them.” 2RH 315
Christ’s true followers are made complete in Him, because He gives them His Spirit. The blessed hope of seeing Christ as He is, and being with Him, work in mind and heart like a quickening power, cleansing away impurity and depravity. 5RH 132
Paul taught that religion is a practical, saving energy, a principle wholly from God, a personal experience of God’s renewing power upon the soul. AA 451
When they see in themselves sins and wrongs that must be confessed and renounced, they must exercise faith that when they repent of their sins, God forgives; that renovating power is given to the soul. By faith, living faith, the victory will be gained. 2RH 372
God Himself has plucked men as brands from the burning, and through the sanctifying power of His truth, He has trained the children of wrath to be the children of light, that they might cooperate with Him in life and character, by precept and example, and reveal His miracle of grace that has filled the angels with astonishment and joy. 2RH 360
If they thus cooperate with God, He will clothe them with spiritual power. 5RH 102
What an incomparable love is this! a theme for the most profound meditation! the amazing love of God for a world that did not love Him! The thought has a subduing power upon the soul, and brings the mind into captivity to the will of God. 1RH 335
The transforming power of Christ’s grace will mold the one who gives himself to God’s service; for God is bound by an eternal pledge to supply power and grace to every one who yields himself to be sanctified by obedience to the truth. 6RH 457
(Jesus) came that the fallen sons and daughters of Adam might be recovered from the effects of Adam’s transgression and fall, and, through His divine, uplifting power, become sons and daughters of God. 3ST 195
To be converted daily is to renew the soul’s life by receiving vital power from Christ, as the branch receives nourishment from the vine. The growth of every Christian is from within, not from without. 2RH 544
Not until Christ’s life is a vitalizing power in our lives can we be strong to resist the temptations that assail us from within and from without. We need to press close to the side of Christ. We need to be sure that we are wearing His yoke of restraint and obedience. Then we shall be safe, because we are on the Lord’s side. His truth is in our hearts, and we find His yoke easy and His burden light. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 4ST 249
Divine Power
Christ does not find His subjects fitted for His kingdom, but He qualifies them by His divine power. Those who have been dead in trespasses and sins are quickened to spiritual life. The faculties which God has given them for holy purposes are refined, purified, and exalted, and they are led to form characters after the divine similitude. 3RH 241
With His long human arm He encircled the race, while with His divine arm He grasped the throne of the Infinite, bringing to fallen man divine power to cooperate with his human effort . . . Divine power will be given us to combine with our human capabilities. 4RH 119
Divine power is placed upon man, that he may become a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. This is why repenting, believing man can be made the righteousness of God in Christ. 1SM 256
The only-begotten Son of God came to our world as a man, to reveal
to the world the fact that men through divine power could keep the law of God. 3ST 30
Man never could have overcome the power of appetite unless Christ had overcome in his behalf; but now man may obtain the victory. Christ came to bring divine power to unite with human effort, so that although we have been debased by perverted appetite, we may take courage, for we are prisoners of hope. We are not required to overcome in our own strength; by living faith we can grasp the hand of Infinite Power, and when Satan comes with his temptations, we can point to the cross of Calvary, and say, “Christ died for me; in His name I can and will overcome. 2ST 400
By living faith, the Christian places entire dependence on divine power, expecting that God will will and do that which is according to His good pleasure. 3ST 98
Living faith grasps the hand of divine power, and faith is an anchor to the soul both sure and steadfast, entering into that which is within the veil. John says, “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” He describes the great multitude who shall stand before God as overcomers. 3ST 205
Faith is our defense, for it connects our human weakness with divine power. 1RH 394
Christ has thrown His divine arm around the human race. He has brought His divine power to man that He might encourage the poor, sin-sick, discouraged soul to reach up for a higher life. 2RH 310
We are witnesses for God as we reveal in ourselves the working of a power that is divine. MH 100
. . . Christ redeemed (man) from the condemnation of the law, and imparted divine power, and through man’s cooperation, the sinner could be restored to his lost estate. 4ST 528
We are to be quickened under the influence of the divine power, that will not only strengthen us, but attract our minds from the dust and rubbish of earth, that will set us free from the polluting, deceiving influences of the world, so that we may contemplate heavenly things. Through this influence our hearts are to be purified, our affections sanctified, and set not upon earthly things but upon heavenly things. 3ST 53
The same Jesus that walked with His disciples, that taught them upon earth, that toiled and suffered in His human nature, is with us in His divine power. He is at our right hand to help in every emergency. 3RH 13
The promises are full and broad and deep. They encourage our faith; for has not God pledged His word to combine His divine power with our human efforts, that we may overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony? 4RH 213
Nothing but divine power can regenerate the human heart and character, and imbue the soul with the love of Christ, which will ever manifest itself in love to those for whom He died. 3RH 102
God will work with us if we will only engage in healthy action. We must feel the necessity of uniting our human efforts and zealous action with divine power. We can stand forth in God, strong to conquer. 3T 46
Shall men who have received the knowledge of the truth line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, show but little appreciation of Him who came to the earth that His divine power might be the heritage of every believing soul? It was thus that the divinity of Christ was to become effectual in the salvation of the race, and the intercession of our great High Priest avail before the throne of God. 9T 105
The Saviour comes very near to those who consecrate themselves to God. If ever there was a time when we needed the working of the spirit of God upon our hearts and lives, it is now. Let us lay hold of this divine power for strength to live a life of holiness and selfsurrender. 9T 166
Man had become so degraded by sin that it was impossible for him, in himself, to come into harmony with Him whose nature is purity and goodness. But Christ, after having redeemed man from the condemnation of the law, could impart divine power to unite with human effort. PP 64
His love for fallen man was so great that He made an infinite sacrifice that He might reach him in his degradation, and through His divine power finally elevate him to His throne. But it rests with man whether Christ shall accomplish for him that which He is fully able to do. 4T 32
. . . The whole mind must be molded by the Holy Spirit. Divine power will combine with human effort, when we seek earnestly to be complete in Christ Jesus. YI 192
Unlimited Power
Through the merits of Christ we have access to the throne of infinite power. 2ST 190
God wants us to be in earnest , He wants us to be happy. When He gave Christ to the world, He gave all Heaven in that one priceless gift. He opened up to us all the treasures of His power and grace. By living faith we may grasp the hand of Infinite power. We may be so connected with the God of Heaven that His grace may be found sufficient in every emergency of life. 2ST 293
It is not our efforts that bring victory; it is seeing God behind the promise, and believing and trusting Him. Grasp by faith the hand of infinite power. 6RH 82
The work of righteousness is to be wrought in you through the mighty power that God has given. When in weakness and feebleness you say, “Lord, I lay hold upon thee,” power from above will be given you. . . the three great powers of heaven pledged themselves to cooperate with you in your efforts to live the new life in Christ. 5RH 142
To human beings striving for conformity to the divine image, there is imparted an outlay of heavenly treasures, an excellency of power, that will place them higher than even the angels who have never sinned. 4ST 243
There is a reservoir of power at our command, and we are not to remain in the dark cold sunless cave of unbelief; or we shall not catch the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness.
To be a Christian requires more than a profession of faith. There must be an earnest effort to conquer through the grace freely given of God. 3RH 14
Christ’s death and resurrection have opened before every soul an unlimited source of power from which to draw. This power will enable you to overcome the most objectionable traits in your character. God’s supply of grace is awaiting the demand of every sin-sick soul. It will heal every spiritual disease. By it hearts may be cleansed from all defilement. It is the gospel remedy for the curse of sin. It unites human beings with Christ in the performance of good works, enabling them to run in the path of obedience, representing to the world the meekness and lowliness they have learned from the Saviour. 4RH 349
Let us connect with Christ, and then we shall have a power that the world cannot give, or take away. 2RH 309
If by faith we will lay hold of the heavenly provision, the greatest powers in the universe will enable us to make complete our triumph over Satan and sin. 5RH 530
Would that you could conceive of the rich supplies of grace and power awaiting your demand. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. 5T 17
The power of an ever-abiding Saviour is greater now than ever before, because the emergencies are greater; and yet we are weak in spiritual life and experience. 2ST 519
We are to go on to perfection, reflecting the light of Christ more and more, and bringing all that it is possible of the spirit and power of Heaven into our lives. We are to seek the salvation of souls around us. 2ST 297
If we commit the keeping of our souls to God in the exercise of living faith, His promises will not fail us; for they have no limit but our faith. 1ST 415
. . .To us has been given the high privilege of living as Christ lived. Our life is to be hid with Christ in God. Then we shall have richest blessings of heaven to impart to those in need. From the indwelling Saviour we shall receive each day a fresh supply of grace and power. 4RH 326
It is our privilege to believe that His blood is able to cleanse us from every spot and stain of sin. We must not limit the power of the Holy One of Israel. 5RH 469
God has power in reserve for us. Those who are reaching out for help, exercising faith in Jesus, will receive it.
Divine power will cooperate with human effort. Brethren, the gates are open, and the glory of God is shining for every soul who looks to Heaven in times of trial and perplexity. 2ST 307
All Power
As Christ, in His humanity, sought strength from His Father, that He might be enabled to endure trial and temptation, so are we to do. We are to follow the example of the sinless Son of God. Daily we need help and grace and power from the Source of all power. 5RH 243
While we look to Jesus as the source of all power, we shall not fail to receive help in every time of need, “for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” 2RH 257
The soul must be emptied of self, that Christ may pour His Spirit into the vacuum. Christ must be chosen as the heavenly guest. The will must be placed on the side of God’s will. Then there is a new heart, and new, holy resolves. It is Jesus enthroned in the soul that
makes every action easy in His service. He is the fountain of all righteousness, the source of all happiness, the reservoir of all power. 2ST 458
We are to remember that human beings are fallible and erring, and that He who has all power is their strong tower of defense. In every emergency they are to feel that the battle is His. His resources are limitless, and apparent impossibilities will make the victory all the greater. 6RH 392
Christ is our refuge, our source of strength. In Him all power is provided for us if His word abide in us, and it is for us to choose whether we will serve God or Baal. 3ST 269
Available Power
You need power, and this power God is willing to give you without stint, if you will go to Him, and take Him at His word. 4RH 503
The Lord wants to give power to His people. He wants them to rejoice in the God of their salvation. He wants them to be conformed to His image, that when He comes, He may receive them to Himself. 1ST 494
His power awaits the demand of those who would overcome. The reprover (human agent) is to animate his hearers so that they shall strive for the mastery. He is to encourage them to struggle for deliverance from every sinful practice, to be free from every corrupt habit, even if his denial of self is like taking the right eye, or separating the right arm from the body. No concession or compromise is to be made to evil habits or sinful practices. 1SM 380
God stands ready to furnish His children with light and grace and power. 4ST 131
The Redeemer of the world came from Heaven to help man in his weakness, that, in the power which Jesus came to bring him, he might become strong to overcome appetite and passion, and might be victor on every point. 3T 488
The power that came to Christ as a representative of the human race will come to every member of the human family who will make God his strength. YI 438
To young men and young women, as well as to those who are older, God will give power from above. YI 532
The life of Christ is an example of what a Christian can do with
the powers given him of God. Do not become discouraged because your gift is not so large as that of some one else. Cheerfully give what you have, and God will bless your efforts. As you press close to the bleeding side of Christ, you will be actuated by His Spirit, and your heart will respond to His call. You will work as He worked, revealing His loving, unselfish spirit. Your faith will be strong, working by love and purifying your soul. Strengthened by power from above, you will be enabled to meet the Lord’s requirements, applying yourself resolutely to irksome tasks and self-sacrificing deeds for the Master’s sake. 3RH 414
The Sabbath given to the world as a sign of God as the Creator is also the sign of Him as the Sanctifier. The power that created all things is the power that recreates the soul in His own likeness. To those who keep holy the Sabbath day it is the sign of sanctification. True sanctification is harmony with God, oneness with Him in character. It is received through obedience to those principles that are the transcript of His character. And the Sabbath is the sign of obedience. He who from the heart obeys the fourth commandment will obey the whole law. He is sanctified through obedience. 6T 352
It is wonderful how strong a weak man may become through faith in the power of God, how decided his efforts, how prolific of great results. 1ST 36
To every one who surrenders fully to God is given the privilege of living without sin, in obedience to the law of heaven. 5RH 277
Christ came to this world to show that by receiving power from on high, man can live an unsullied life. MH 25
Our thoughts, if stayed upon God, will be guided by divine love and power. 4ST 512
When we thus grasp the power of Infinity, and come to Christ saying, “In my hand no price I bring; simply to thy cross I cling,” then divine agencies can cooperate with us to sanctify and purify the life. 5RH 492
But if you confess your sins before God, and take hold of His power, sophistry will have no power over you. 5RH 151
By dying on the cross, Christ gave His life as an offering for sin, that through His power man might turn from his sins, be converted, and become a laborer together with God. 3ST 467
Let us lay hold of the power that has been provided to make it possible for us to gain eternal life. 4RH 286
(Christ) came to bring us the message and means of deliverance, an assurance of salvation, not through the abrogation of the law, but through obedience made possible by His merits. 4RH 405
If you are sowing faith, rendering obedience to Christ, you will reap faith and power for future obedience . . . . It is our privilege and duty to walk even as Christ walked; for “he that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.”. . . Through faith in Christ, and obedience to the requirements of His law, we are offered a life that shall run parallel with the life of God. 2RH 485
Those who believe in Christ possess the character of Christ, have the love of Christ, are one with Him. They lean on Christ as their only staff and sufficiency. They are Christ’s living witnesses. By their spirit, by their words, by their deportment, by their courtesy, by all their actions, they testify to the power of Christ. 3RH 343
The Power of Christ alone can work the transformation in heart and mind that all must experience who would partake with Him of the new life in the kingdom of God. 5RH 401
If we will but keep our eyes fixed on the Saviour, and trust in His power, we shall be filled with a sense of security; for the righteousness of Christ will become our righteousness . . . Let us no longer talk of our inefficiency and lack of power. 5RH 456
It is the Christian’s duty not to permit surroundings and circumstances to mold him; but to live above surroundings, fashioning his character according to the divine Model. 2RH 519
While we seek the salvation and benefit of others, we shall be workers together with God, learning His methods and partaking of His power. 2ST 171
. . . When Satan heard that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head, he knew that though he had succeeded in depraving human nature, and assimilating it to his own, yet by some mysterious process, God would restore to man his lost power, and enable him to resist and overcome his conqueror . . . The power which Christ imparts, enables man to resist the tyrant and usurper. Whenever a man is seen to abhor sin instead of loving it, when he resists and conquers those passions that have held sway within, there is seen the operation of a principle wholly from above. 1RH 329
(The beholder) is charmed with that power from God which transforms selfish human beings into the divine image, and God is honored, His name glorified. 1RH 520
Christ lived a life of perfect obedience to God’s law, and in this He set an example for every human being. The life that He lived in this world we are to live, through His power and under His instruction. MH 180
The infinite One - He who alone was able to bring order and beauty out of the chaos and confusion of nature’s darkness - is able to subdue the rebellious heart of man, and bring his life into conformity to the divine will. 5RH 10
If the professor of religion would keep the saving efficacy of his faith, he must ever keep the righteousness of Christ before him, and have the glory of God for his rearward. Then the power of Christ will be revealed in life and character. 2ST 467
The purifying blood of Christ alone can purge away everything of this character, -all envy, all evil surmising, all thinking evil and practicing evil toward one another. 2ST 458
But while we stay our minds upon Him who is our sun and our shield, the evil that surrounds us will not bring one stain upon our garments. . . Our spirit may be so identified with His that in thought and aim we shall be one with Him. MH 511
He who is all-powerful is able to keep His people, although they may be exposed to temptations and perils. He has promised to do this, however, only on condition that they trust and obey Him. “Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.” 2RH 61
The law is an expression of the thought of God; when received in Christ, it becomes our thought. It lifts us above the power of natural desires and tendencies, above temptations that lead to sin. DA 308
. . . The Lord Jesus by the agency of His Holy Spirit changes this order of things. He takes upon Himself the sin of man, and by the power of His divine love draws men to Himself, sanctifies and makes them holy. 3ST 62
Man is to make earnest efforts to overcome that which hinders him from attaining to perfection. But he is wholly dependent upon God for success. Human effort of itself is not sufficient. Without the aid of divine power, it avails nothing. God works and man works. Resistance of temptation must come from man, who must draw his power from God. AA 482
The law requires righteousness, - a righteous life, a perfect character; and this man has not to give. He cannot meet the claims of God’s holy law. But Christ, coming to the earth as man, lived a
holy life, and developed a perfect character. These He offers as a free gift to all who will receive them. His life stands for the life of men. Thus they have remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God. More than this, Christ imbues men with the attributes of God. He builds up the human character after the similitude of the divine character, a goodly fabric of spiritual strength and beauty. Thus the very righteousness of the law is fulfilled in the believer in Christ. God can “be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” Romans 3:26; DA 762
It is by a living, ever-increasing faith that the soul sees and appreciates the holiness of Christ. This is the glory that pure faith receives, and it awakens in the soul the decided action which demonstrates the power of God. 4ST 178
To those who believe in Christ as their personal Saviour, He imputes His merit and imparts His power. YI 185
. . . through faith in Christ we must render obedience to all the requirements of God; through His merits we may be elevated to keep God’s commandments. 6RH 330.
Christ gave His life for sinful men and women. He desired to rescue the race from a life of transgression to a life of obedience and righteousness. 1SM 100
No one can keep God’s commandments except in Christ’s power. 4RH 293
It is not possible for us to tell what a man may become, and what he may achieve through the power and grace of Christ. 2ST 333
As we behold Christ, pierced for our sins, we shall see that we cannot break the law of God and remain in His favor; we shall feel that as sinners we must lay hold of the merits of Christ and cease to sin. 1SM 312
Christ came to our world to be man’s surety, to overcome in his behalf, to live for him a sinless life, that in His power they might obtain the victory over sin. 4ST 302
If we are self-confident or self-righteous, we shall be left to fall under the power of temptation; but if we look to Jesus, and trust in Him, we call to our aid a power that has conquered the foe on the field of battle, and with every temptation He will make a way of escape. 5T 426
There are strong and subtle influences that bind them to the ways
of the world; but the power of the Lord can break these chains. He will remove every obstacle from before the feet of His faithful ones, or give them strength and courage to conquer every difficulty, if they earnestly beseech His help. All hindrances will vanish before an earnest desire and persistent effort to do the will of God at any cost to self, even if life itself is sacrificed. Light from Heaven will illuminate the darkness of those who in trial and perplexity go forward, looking unto Jesus as the author and finisher of their faith. 1RH 529
O that we might gather up our forces of faith, and plant our feet on the rock Christ Jesus! You should believe that He will keep you from falling. 2RH 375
(Jesus) rejoiced in the consciousness that He could and would do more for His followers than He had promised; that from Him would flow forth love and compassion, cleansing the soul temple, and making men like Him in character; that His truth, armed with the power of the Spirit, would go forth conquering and to conquer. AA 23
He desires us to be nerved and strengthened by the power that He will give us if we will only be true to Him. He desires every one of us to perfect a character after the divine similitude. 5RH 143
Christ proved that it is possible for man to lay hold by faith on the power of God. 5RH 491
God does not ask His followers to be precisely alike. Temptations come to each one in a different way, and God reveals His power by upholding and delivering each one. Deliverance in time of trial is prepared for all who are tempted, no matter how diverse their temptations may be. Strength to advance upward and forward is provided for each one . . . As the tempted one draws nigh to God, God draws nigh to him, and lifts up for him a standard against the enemy. 4ST 154
The princely dignity of the Christian character will shine forth as the sun, and the beams of light from the face of Christ will be reflected upon those who have purified themselves even as He is pure. 4T 357
He Himself descended from heaven in the garb of humanity that He might give power to man, enabling him to be a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 3ST 439
Live in contact with the living Christ, and He will hold you firmly by a hand that will never let go. Know and believe the love that God has to us, and you are secure; that love is a fortress impregnable to
all the delusions and assaults of Satan. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” 4ST 308-9
Satan cannot hold the dead in his grasp when the Son of God bids them live. He cannot hold in spiritual death one soul who in faith receives Christ’s word of power. God is saying to all who are dead in sin, “Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead.” Eph. 5:14; DA 320
We must momentarily receive supplies from Heaven; and if we would be kept by the power of God, we must be obedient to all His requirements. 4T 542
Christ uttered sayings that have power to obtain a place in every heart that is seeking to know the will of God. 3RH 517
The faith essential for salvation is not mere nominal faith, but an abiding principle, deriving vital power from Christ. It will lead the soul to feel the love of Christ to such a degree that the character will be refined, purified, ennobled. This faith in Christ is not merely an impulse, but a power that works by love and purifies the soul. It accomplishes something, bringing the soul under discipline, elevating it from defilement, and bringing it into connection with Christ, till it appropriates His virtue to the soul’s need. This is a saving faith. 2RH 513
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