Historical Event #7
This study is from thetop-half of the Mirror Chart.
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In a Few Words— In a Few Words— The seven thunders (last-day events) are based on Daniel’s fulfilled prophetic events of the past. In the order of Daniel’s time prophecies, the symbolic years, the seventh event would be: October 22, 1844 —Prophetic time ends (a day for a year); The Sanctuary is not cleansed, —because the historical fulfillment is the type; beginning of the Great Day of Atonement; the judgment of the dead begins and continues until the starting of the repeated thundering last-day events. Dan 8:14. Mirror Event: Thunder #7; Ending of the 2300 Days; Heavenly Sanctuary Cleansed Further Study: Related Topics: 2300 years 1335 Years Events After the End of the 2300 Years |