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Chapter 27
The Victorious Christ
Enables Us
(Christ’s followers) are to have power to resist evil, power that neither earth, nor death, nor hell can master, power that will enable them to overcome as Christ overcame. DA 679-80
His experience in man’s behalf was to enable men to resist Satan’s power. 6RH 305
(Christ) asked and received power to enable Him to overcome in the conflict. And those who walk in God’s way may have the same power. The same angels that minister to Christ minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. As He overcame, so we may overcome. 4ST 216
It is His will to cleanse us from sin, to make us His children, and to enable us to live a holy life. MH 70
(Christ) has provided power to enable us to be overcomers. 4RH 487
God has ordained that we shall have His saving power with us, to enable us to do all His will. 5RH 484
To be one with Christ, to build a character like His, this is the high ideal set before us. Let us look earnestly at this ideal, and then strive to reach it. In the councils of love, provision was made to enable us to do this. We may be more than conquerors through Him who has loved us. YI 515
Only by accepting the virtue and grace of Christ can we keep the law. Belief in the propitiation for sin enables fallen man to love God with his whole heart and his neighbor as himself. COL 378
Man needs a power outside of and beyond himself, to restore him to the likeness of God, and enable him to do the work of God; but this does not make the human agency unessential. Humanity lays hold
upon divine power, Christ dwells in the heart by faith; and through cooperation with the divine, the power of man becomes efficient for good. DA 296-7
The power which Christ imparts, enables man to resist the tyrant and usurper. Whoever is seen to abhor sin instead of loving it, whoever resists and conquers those passions that have held sway within, displays the operation of a principle wholly from above. GC 506
Divine power will combine with human effort, and enable you to successfully meet the enemy of your souls . . . If you trust in Christ, as surely as He died on Calvary’s cross, you will obtain the victory. 2ST 324
It is His grace that gives man power to obey the laws of God. It is this that enables him to break the bondage of evil habit. This is the only power that can make him and keep him steadfast in the right path. MH 115
(Man) needs the grace of God, and divine aid awaits his demand. Divine power united with human effort will enable him to do good and glorify his Creator. 1ST 422
Only by faith in Christ can the sinner be cleansed from guilt, and be enabled to render obedience to the law of his Maker. 6RH 182; AA 425
He suffers you to be tempted, but He measures the temptation by the power which He imparts to enable you to resist and overcome. YI 551
The only-begotten Son of God came to this world to redeem the fallen race. He has given us evidence of His great power. He will enable those who receive Him to build up characters free from all the tendencies that Satan reveals. We can resist the enemy and all his forces. The battle will be won, the victory gained, by him who chooses Christ as his leader, determined to do right because it is right. 4ST 409
When we take Christ for our Saviour, we are enabled to become obedient children, keeping all the commandments of God. 2ST 309
Through the grace of Christ they (the whole human race) may be enabled to render obedience to the Father’s law. PP 338
Through the imparted grace of Christ, he may be enabled to overcome. 1SM 380-1
We are not asked to sit in sackcloth and ashes; but we are bidden
to recognize God as our helper, and to cooperate with Him in doing His will, so that He may bless us, and enable us to live Christ-like lives. 4ST 487
Those who will not rely upon themselves, but who will put their trust in a power out of and above themselves, will be enabled to become doers of the words of Christ. 3ST 244
(Christ) stands at the head of humanity, enabling men through His sacrifice to become partakers of the divine nature, to lay hold upon an infinite power that will transform them into the likeness of the Divine. 5RH 44
Connected with the Lord God of Israel, we shall have power from above which will enable us to be overcomers; and by the impartation of divine love, we shall find access to the hearts of men. 3RH 99
To those who receive Him He gives power that enables them to separate from that which, unless they return to their loyalty, will place them where they must be condemned and punished. 5RH 222
If the word of God were appreciated as it should be, both young and old would possess an inward rectitude, a strength of principle, that would enable them to resist temptation. MH 459
Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the third person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fulness of divine power. It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world’s Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure . . . The Holy Spirit brings power that enables man to overcome . . . Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the mind that is devoted unreservedly to God develops harmoniously, and is strengthened to comprehend and fulfil the requirements of God. The weak, vacillating character becomes changed to one of strength and steadfastness. 5RH 42
If you do love Him with all your heart, you will desire to give Him the best service of your life, and you will be constantly seeking to bring every power of your being into harmony with the laws that will promote your ability to do His will. You will not feel satisfied to present to your merciful heavenly Father an offering enfeebled by indulgence of appetite and passion. You will plead for divine help and healing. And the grace of Christ will enable you to overcome. 2ST 188
Weakened through sin, we can not of ourselves keep the law of God. But Christ came to our world to restore the moral image of God in men, and to bring them back from the path of disobedience to a path of obedience. His mission to the world was to reveal the character
of God by living the law, which is the foundation of His government; and those who will accept Him as their personal Saviour will grow in grace, and in His strength will be enabled to obey the law of God. 3ST 359
Paul knew that the higher Christian attainments can be reached only through much prayer and constant watchfulness, and this he tried to instill into their minds. But he knew also that in Christ crucified they were offered power sufficient to convert the soul, and divinely adapted to enable them to resist all temptations to evil. With faith in God as their armor, and with His word as their weapon of warfare, they would be supplied with an inner power that would enable them to turn aside the attacks of the enemy. AA 307
God justly condemns all who do not make Christ their personal Saviour; but He pardons every soul that comes to Him in faith, and enables him to work the works of God, and through faith to be one with Christ. Jesus says of these, “I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one (this unity brings perfection of character); and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me” (John 17:23) 1SM 375
Our condition through sin is unnatural, and the power that restores us must be supernatural, else it has no value. There is but one power that can break the hold of evil from the hearts of men, and that is the power of God in Jesus Christ. Only through the blood of the crucified One is there cleansing from sin. His grace alone can enable us to resist and subdue the tendencies of our fallen nature. MH 428
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