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The Bible Says Study Guides

~ Lesson #19 ~

1,000 Years Of Peace

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      “The devil is bound, and we are now in the millennium,” someone claimed.
      “If the devil is bound,” a minister replied, “he must be tied with a rubber chain that stretches from Paris to Bombay and from Washington, D.C., to the Kremlin.”
      We need only to look at what is happening about us to know that the devil has never been more active than he is today. Never have crime and sin been more rampant.
      However, there is coming a time when the devil’s activities will be justly restricted. He will be unable to tempt, torment, or destroy any of God’s children. This is the day for which the whole world has longed. There will be perfect peace and happiness in the universe. The devil will be bound.
      This period of one thousand years is called the millennium. This term is not found in the Bible. It comes from two Latin words, “mille” and “annus,” and means 1,000 years. The phrase “1,000 years” is found six times in Revelation, chapter 20.
      Many ideas about what is to occur during the millennium have been advanced. Some think of it as a thousand years of peace. However, we do not need to wonder; the Bible explains the period —its beginning, its purpose, and its end.
      Before you begin the study of the questions in this lesson, read the entire twentieth chapter of Revelation.


1. In What two resurrections did Christ say the dead will be raised?
John 5:28, 29

The Bible Says:

1. _____________________________ 2. ____________________________

2. When will the righteous dead be raised?  I Thessalonians 4:16, 17

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


3. What does the Bible call this resurrection?  Revelation 20:6

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


4. What happens to the living righteous when Christ’s coming begins the millennium?  I Thessalonians 4:17

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


5. How does the Bible indicate that the righteous dead are raised at the beginning of the millennium?  Revelation 20:4, 6

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


6. What effect does the coming of Christ have on the living wicked?
II Thessalonians 1:7-9

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________

Note: These are slain by the brightness of His coming. Sinful man is unable to stand before a sinless God.  II Thessalonians 2:7, 8.

7. How does the Bible indicate that the second coming of Christ does not disturb the wicked dead?  Revelation 20:5

The Bible Says: “The rest of the dead______________________________.”

8. Because Satan is bound, what is he unable to do during the millennium?  Revelation 20:3

The Bible Says: “That he should___________________________no more.”
Note: Satan is bound by “chains of darkness.” He has no one to tempt or to destroy. The saints are with Christ in the New Jerusalem; the wicked living have died at the coming of Christ, and the wicked dead are not raised until the end of the millennium. Satan and his wicked angels are alone on the earth during the 1,000 years. They have no human beings to tempt or deceive.

9. Where are the saints during the millennium?  Revelation 20:4, 6
The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


10. How many people will be there be upon the earth during the millennium?  Jeremiah 4:23-27

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ (Verse 25)

11. When Christ returns with the saints at the end of the millennium, what happens to the Mount of Olives?  Zechariah 14:4, 5

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


12. What descends to fill the great plain made as Christ’s feet touch the Mount of Olives?  Revelation 21:2

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


13. When does the Bible say that the wicked dead will live again?
Revelation 20:5

The Bible Says: “The rest of the dead ______________________________


14. When the resurrection of the wicked permits Satan to become active
once more, what does he do to show that he has not changed?
Revelation 20:7, 8

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


15. What is the outcome of Satan’s attempt to take the city of God?
Revelation 20:9, 14, 15

The Bible Says: ________________________________________________


16. After the purifying fire is over and all sin has been eliminated, what will God give man?  II Peter 3:10-13

The Bible Says: “We. . . look for___________________________.” (Verse 13)

Millennium Chart

   I.  Events at the beginning of the millennium:
      a. I Thessalonians 4:16 —Christ comes, righteous dead resurrected.
      b. I Corinthians 15:51, 52 —Righteous living changed.
      c. I Thessalonians 4:17 —Righteous living caught up with resurrected
           righteous to meet the Lord in the air.
      d. II Thessalonians 2:7, 8 —Living wicked slain.
      e. Revelation 20:2 —Satan bound for 1,000 years.
 II.  Events during the millennium:
      a. Revelation 20:4; I Corinthians 6:2, 3 —Saints reign with Christ and
           judge the wicked dead.
      b. Jeremiah 4:23-27 —Earth desolate.
III.  Events at the close of the millennium:
      a. Zechariah 14:4, 5 —Christ descends upon the Mount of Olives.
      b. Revelation 21:2 —New Jerusalem descends.
      c. Revelation 20:7, 8 —Satan loosed as wicked are raised.
      d. Revelation 20:9, 15 —Wicked destroyed by fire.
      e. Revelation 21:1 —“New heaven and a new earth.”

      Friend, where will you be at the end of the millennium? With Christ and the saved in the city, or with the wicked outside? By accepting Him now, you can make reservations for the future. Won’t you decide today? Tomorrow may be too late. What is your response?

 I have already made this decision.

 I wish to make my reservation for the new earth today.

Next Lesson:   Your Day In Court

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